
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Health Benefits of Juicing and Weight Loss

You can take fruits as whole, blend them with the pulp or juice them. Juicing is the process of squeezing the juice out of fruit or vegetable without the pulp. When juicing, you are restricted on the food groups and maybe calories. Many people are skeptical of the health benefits that come from juicing. However, if you are looking forward to losing weight, juicing is a great way to achieve your objective quickly. This is especially true if you make juice out of vegetables and reduce fruits with high sugar content like mangoes and bananas. Health benefits of juicing 1. Juicing ensures more nutrient absorption in the body. This is because the body doesn't have to digest fiber. When you take the juice, nutrients are introduced directly into your blood stream. Juicing therefore ensures effective absorption of nutrients without having to eat too many vegetables during the day. 2. Juicing allows you to intake a wide variety of vegetables. You can juice carrots, kales, spinach, celery an